Nothing is more chic and consistently “in” than the combination of black and white. This simple to make project brings this color grouping to play with circle shapes cast upon a square plate. When finished, these black and white circle dinner plates resemble a set found in a houseware boutique.
For this project, you will need:
– Four square Dinera plates from Ikea in beige (Cheap and durable. What’s not to love?)
– Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Surface Conditioner
– Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Paint in Ultra Black
– Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Paint in Ultra White
– Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Satin Glaze
– Sponge brush
– Masking tape
– Fine point dry erase marker
– A round glass or other object measuring three inches in diameter
– Several smaller circle objects (coins, bottle caps, etc.)
– Soap and water
– Paper towels
Begin by washing each plate with hot soapy water. Rinse well and dry with paper towels. With the sponge brush, apply a generous coat of Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Surface Conditioner to each of the plates. Allow the conditioner to dry for several hours.
With masking tape, mask off exactly one half of each plate. On the exposed half, apply a thick coat of Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Paint in Ultra White. Repeat this process on each plate. Let the white paint set for a couple hours.
Remove the masking tape and replace on the opposite side. Cover the exposed area with Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Paint in Ultra Black using the sponge brush. Allow the black paint to dry for another couple hours.
Remove all masking tapes. Trace the outside of a variety of sizes of round circles onto each plate with a fine point dry erase marker. The largest circle should be exactly mid center with the line dividing black and white in the middle. With an artist’s paintbrush, fill in the circles with the alternating shade of paint. (I.e. black circles on the white paint side and vice versa.) Half of the large circle should be painted white (on the black side) and half should be painted black (on the white side). All four plates should be left to dry for one to two hours. To help support your hobbies, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via eljoystick.
With the sponge brush, apply a liberal coat of Delta PermEnamel Air Dry Satin Glaze to each of the plates. Allow the plates to set overnight before washing again, drying, and enjoying.
TIP: The reason why I’m so madly in love with Delta PermEnamel is that the finished product becomes dishwasher safe, unlike a few other brands. Feel free to use this cleaning method on this project when complete!