UNE Beauty

Bring Perfect Beauty

UNE likes … initiatives around biodiversity

A close up of some bushes

You have certainly heard of it, 2010 is the year of biodiversity.

For several months, many events have taken place and many initiatives have been taken to make us discover and appreciate it and above all to make us want to preserve it.

For the occasion , the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea has created biodiversity2010 , a portal specially dedicated to this theme, presenting the projects undertaken in France, the associations participating in them and a multitude of information. Between garden festivals, conferences and traveling exhibitions, you will certainly find an event near you!

First start with a short quiz to take stock of your knowledge of the subject.

To go further you can also, like 20,000 people already, sign the appeal for “Biodiversity is my nature” and create your photo on the site created for the occasion by a group of associations such as WWF and the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Mankind . You will also find plenty of advice on how to act in favor of biodiversity on a daily basis – how to eat seasonal products, choose responsible leisure activities, promote biodiversity in your garden …

So see you soon in the UNE likes section for a series of suggestions on the theme of biodiversity!

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